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As public calls to ban fireworks are on the rise, the city of Espoo in southern Finland will be the first city in the country to celebrate the New Year with a laser light show instead of firecrackers.


"In Finland, the New Year is usually celebrated with fireworks, but this is thought to be old-fashioned by the city of Espoo," said Lea Rintala, director of the Culture Services Unit of Espoo.


"We are a sustainable development city and rockets don't really suit well with that. However, over the years we have received some feedback about this, so we are now trialing a laser show."


The laser show will start in downtown Espoo at 6:20 pm local time on New Year's Eve. The show will cover an area including the Espoo Cathedral, the nearby Church Park and the river bank.


Other light shows may also take place in other parts of the city during the year, according to Rintala.


The public demand for banning consumers from using fireworks has consistently increased in recent years in Finland, aiming to reduce cases of injuries, air pollution, and stress and anxiety in animals caused by fireworks.



Don’t assume that the US is exactly the way it is portrayed on American films and series.


Don’t underestimate the size or diversity of the United States.


Don’t settle for bad food.


Don’t count on speaking any language besides English.


Don’t stress out about clothes.


Don’t discuss politics, religion, race or money with new acquaintances.


Don’t be afraid to share your culture with Americans.


Don’t be disrespectful to the police.


Don’t invade people’s personal space.


Don’t insult US armed service members or veterans.


Don’t look grumpy or sulky.


Don't touch stranger’s kids.


Don't stare.


Don't forget to tip.


Don't go left.


Don't expect us to justify the actions of our political leaders.


Don't be afraid to try to communicate with us.


Don't assume we are all the same.


Don't ask questions that are considered too personal/private such as these:


Are you married? If not, why aren't you married? When will you marry? etc


How many kids do you have? When are you planning to have kids? Worst: YOU SHOULD HAVE KIDS ASAP!


How much money do you earn per month?


How much did you pay for this/that?



1.According to Expedia, punctuality is important in the UK. If you are invited to somebody's house, you're generally expected to arrive on time, but "you have a 10-15 minute grace period if you are running late."


2.You should ask if you should remove your shoes when entering a British home, according to Expedia. British people like entertaining others in their homes, but some of them like you to leave your shoes at the door, while others don't mind you wearing them around the house.


3.British people love a debate, but you should avoid asking personal questions related to salary or religious and political affiliations if you've just been invited to someone's house.


4.If someone asks you "How do you do?" the correct response isn't "fine, thanks," according to one INSIDER employee. Instead, you should ask "How do you do?" back — then it's on the first person to answer. It's not a common question to encounter, but it's important you know how to respond if you are asked.

Insider网站的一名员工认为,如果某人问你“How do you do?(你好吗?)”,正确的回答不是“fine, thanks(很好,谢谢)”,而应该是反问对方“How do you do?”,然后由第一个人来回答。这不是你经常会遇到的问题,但如果被问到了,知道如何应对很重要。

5.According to Expedia, it's not uncommon at dinner to remain standing until you are invited to sit down. This is less common if you know the other person well, and the meal is casual. You should also keep your elbows off the table, but again, this depends on the situation.


A fairly universal rule in the UK is to lay your knife and fork together at the clock position of 6.30 to signal you're finished.


6.The Expedia guide says: "Be sure to pay for a round of drinks for everyone in your group when you're at a pub." You don't have to force everyone to stay for another drink, but pub culture is big in the UK, so you probably won't have to. If someone gets you a drink, you should reciprocate. It's unusual for someone to buy only their own drinks in a bar or pub.


7.Don't wave your hand or call out to get the attention of a waiter in a restaurant, Expedia says. This is considered rude. Tipping isn't compulsory in the UK, but it is considered rude not to leave anything. The norm is 10-12.5% of the bill. But British people don't tend to tip bar staff.


8.This is famously a problem on the tube in London, but the same rule goes for every train and bus in the UK. You should let people off before you try and get on, otherwise everything turns into a crowded mess. And you don't want angry Brits grumbling at you for not knowing the rules.


9.People in the UK don't exactly love to queue, but they respect the queue. It's incredibly rude to butt in or skip in front of people.


"When I first went to the US so many Americans skipped the queue in front of me," one INSIDER employee said. "I didn't know how to react so I spent half an hour just queuing in that store."


10.You should expect some small talk before discussing business, Expedia says. Once you get down to talking numbers, be prepared to back up your claims with facts and figures, the guide says, because "the Brits value facts when making decisions."


You should avoid hard selling tactics and confrontation, as these won't go down well. And you should maintain personal space when talking to someone. And don't be late.


11.People in the UK apologize a lot, but it doesn't actually mean they are sorry half the time. People say sorry when they get in someone's way in the street, and have even been known to apologize to inanimate objects they walk into. It just comes with the territory, so it's considered polite to apologize if you brush against someone or walk into them, even if it's not your fault.




